About Cotton Tails
Time Split
Room Features
This is a spacious airy room with a separate sleep room, milk kitchen and a changing area. Teachers create a warm, nurturing, and secure environment for the children to explore, grow and develop in the best possible way.
The room is designed to create cosy spaces but is also open to allow the children to crawl or toddle safely practicing their mobility skills. our non-mobile babies can observe what is happening around them, and happily focus on their own play undisturbed.
The sleep room supports up to 4 cots for our younger babies and sleep mats for the older children. This is a quiet and calm space where the children can settle off to asleep with their key person, and when the children wake, they can get up in their own time and have cuddles before they are off to play again.
The staff team ensure that there is a consistent routine in place to meet individual and personal needs for each child. Discussions with parents enables the key person to identify times for nappy changes, feeding and sleeps, supporting the continuity of the child’s home routine.
The daily activities in the room provide opportunities for the children to explore the indoor and outdoor environments freely. The activities incorporate the Prime Areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS):
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
- Communication and Language Development.
Activities include treasure baskets, music and movement, singing and stories, art and craft, malleable and messy play, running and climbing outdoors. There is also plenty of time put aside during the day for children to have one to one time with their key person, whether this is to do activities, have a story or sing a song/rhyme or just a little cuddle time.
The ’Famly’ app is used throughout the setting to enable staff to share information with parents on their child’s day, giving peace of mind that they are having fun and enjoying their day at nursery.