About Garden
Room features:
The garden is surrounded by fields and trees which creates a private, safe, and secure outdoor space for all the children.
The outdoor space allows the children to use their senses, experience changes in seasons and weather, and explore the natural world around them. The outdoors provides plenty of opportunities for the children to be active learners, which is an important part of our curriculum, and we understand and encourage the positive impact it has on the children’s well-being and development.
The outdoor area provides opportunities for the children to explore and play safely, the children can grow seeds and plant flowers and vegetables, with the use of the potting shed. The children can make their own potions and pies to share with their friends and carers in the mud kitchen, as well as use mud and clay to create works of art with natural materials. The playhouse is an ideal place to create a homely setting for the children to role-play or sit and read stories on the veranda in the warmth of the sun.
All the children enjoy looking for bugs, with the bug hotel situated in amongst the trees and bushes where the children learn about insect habitats and life cycles. The grass area allows us to make daisy chains, have picnics, play circle games or just relax and take in the fresh air and sounds of nature.