Starting nursery can be a difficult time for both the parent and child. Some children settle very quickly into their new nursery life, whereas others can take a little longer. Every child will be allocated a key person, who will arrange settling-in sessions, answer questions, and start building a relationship with the child.
These sessions are important for the children as well as parents. During the first settle, parents can discuss any concerns or ask questions about starting at nursery. The key person will ask them to complete an ‘All about Me’ form, which provides key information about the child’s daily routine at home, their likes, dislikes, and interests, and about their child’s development.
Settling sessions lead up to the child’s first day. These are planned so that the key person is available to greet them at the front of the door, providing a familiar face. The key worker will help them feel confident and secure in their new environment, supporting them every step of the way.
Parents can provide any comforters for their child, such as a dummy, teddy, or a blanket to sleep with. These are readily available to the child as and when needed.
At the end of the session, the key person will do a handover with the parents, discussing their child’s day.
The children’s daily activities, observations, and assessments are recorded on an app called ‘Famly’. This app can be downloaded by parents and installed onto their mobile phones. The app provides live updates on their child’s day at nursery, including meal and snack times, bottle feeds, nappy changes, sleep times, toileting, and lots of photos and videos.
Staff can communicate with parents directly through the app, and parents have access to their child’s key carer at all times. There is a newsfeed, providing updates on the child’s room and the nursery. Parents are welcome to comment on the posts, put likes, etc.
Regular parents’ evenings are held throughout the year, providing an opportunity to discuss the child’s progress and next steps with the teacher.
There are opportunities for parents to attend organised special and social events with their children, including Christmas concerts, Mother and Father’s Day and summer fun days.