About Pre-School Room
Time Split
Room features:
The room is spacious and is divided into areas, including arts and crafts, messy activities, carpet group activities, and mealtimes area. The carpet area provides a space for the children to read books, build towers and castles, role-playing, and self-select activities and resources.
The bathroom and changing areas are designed to enable the children to use the toilet/potty and hand washing facilities independently. The children have free flow access to the garden and outdoor space directly from the room, where they can extend their play within the different environments.
The children are encouraged to choose activities and self-select resources freely. There is a focus on language and literacy skills, and preparing the children for school through individually tailored activities incorporating the 7 areas of learning:
- Communication and Language
- Personal, Social and Emotional
- Physical
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
The Pre-school room tailors activities, resources, and the physical environment to enable the children to become curious and confident successful learners. Each child is encouraged to have ‘a go’ and take part in activities, building the child’s confidence to take risks, ask questions and problem solve in a safe and secure environment.
During mealtimes, the children and staff have lunch together, creating a perfect opportunity to talk about healthy eating, reflect on their day and talk about interests. The children are encouraged and supported to vocalise their own views and opinions during discussions, every child is given time to say their thoughts and opinions whilst others are encouraged to listen and respect their views and ideas.
By the time our children leave the nursery, we aim for them to be happy, resilient, kind and caring, confident, and curious learners ready to start their new exciting chapter at school.